Although Naturally Grueling and Stressful, A Divorce Does Not Have to be Expensive, Litigious or Unnecessarily Time-Consuming
Most of us are well aware that the process of divorce can be a grueling and stressful experience, emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually. For most individuals, it will be, by far, the most difficult crisis they will ever face. For many, there can be residual pain for years after the legal paperwork is completed and they receive their final judgment of divorce.
It seems clear that anyone involved in this most complex crisis should definitely seek out skilled and qualified professionals, both in the legal and emotional areas of expertise. The beginning stages of separation and divorce maybe difficult if not impossible to comprehend, as one never really believes that they will be in this position where outside professionals are now front and center in what used to be their private domain, namely the intimate relationship they once shared with their spouse.
Usually fear, anger and rage dominate as the primary emotions for most people at the beginning stages of separation. This is because the crisis of defusing two people who declared their love for each other is a complex one few professionals are fully comfortable navigating.
How then does one begin the process of pursuing a divorce in the most efficient, cost-effective manner?
Most divorce attorneys usually bill by the hour. The more help you need, the more it costs you. That is not a system that helps you when you need help the most. Sometimes the cost is just too much. How is the average person supposed to afford this process?
The answer may in fact be that you do not require formal legal representation at unaffordable hourly rates. If you and your spouse agree that you both amicably desire to obtain a “friendly” divorce and there is little if any property to be distributed, than why not consider utilizing a firm with 30 years of experience to put together the tedious paperwork and do all of the laborious “legwork” and obtain a final judgment of divorce for you in approximately two and one half months?
The staff at truly cares and takes the time to accomplish the tedious task of processing a divorce in a compassionate yet economical manner. A complimentary consultation is always available to those seeking a peaceful resolution to this very serious issue.
Call today for more information: 212-608-1630.
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